Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Why Do Cats Chatter Their Teeth When They See A Bird Outside?

Why do cats chatter their teeth then they see birds outside the window? 

This is something I had always wondered about because Joile my Daughter-in-law’s Cat does this when we are over there visiting. So I did a little research into it this is what I found out!

Basically the cat is mimicking the killing blow it would make when pouncing and performing it onto its prey whether it’s a bird, mouse or other prey animals. I find this totally fascinating! It’s like they are talking to it saying come here birdie! When Jolie performs the chattering she also slashes her tail about and wiggles the very tip! Normally Jolie gets so agitated by not being able to catch the bird Kat my Daughter-in-law has to get her attention onto something else. She normally takes one of Jolie’s little birdie toys and plays with her with it.

It is so interesting how intrinsic the hunter instinct is wired into our kitties. To me they will always by my little warriors! I just love cats!

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